• Lifting Barriers to Education Choice

    Lifting Barriers to Education Choice

Penn Fencing actively supports community projects where its customers work and live. In 2013, the company made a commitment to the power of school choice in children's educations.


"We may be in the fencing business," says president Chad Galbreath, "but we don't think that families should be fenced out of the schools they want for their kids because of financial reasons." To put that philosophy into action, the company participates in the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program administered by the Armstrong County Community Foundation. The program provides scholarships for K-12 students in both Armstrong and Butler Counties.

"Many of these education credits go towards the choice of faith-based schooling, which we feel provides a solid foundation for children and helps shape their values for the future," says Galbreath. "These values influence and strengthen our communities and hopefully help develop future leadership."

The EITC offers Pennsylvania tax credits to businesses in exchange for contributions to one of several scholarship programs. The current list of qualified scholarship organizations can be found on the EITC web site www.newPA.com. This program is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.


Galbreath has received a number of letters from scholarship recipients and their parents. One family writes, "Your support helps provide a values-based education that will have a lasting impact on our community now and in the years to come."

In another case, the mother of a studious high school senior writes: "Our daughter is in the midst of applying to colleges to study Physical Therapy and has been able to take about 30 college credits at St. Joseph High School. Being able to attend a Catholic high school and take these classes will in turn greatly help her advance in her college studies."

In one family, four children are attending private schools as a result of Penn Fencing's contributions. The children write, "We are going to make sure your donation to our education is worth the while."

Says Galbreath, "We are strong believers in educational choice." Then he adds, "These letters speak for themselves."

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